General Rules
- The æ dipthong: air (æro), eon (æon), anemia (anæmia), anæsthesia (anesthesia), archeology (archæology), bougainvillea (bougainvillæa), cesarean (cæsarean), chimera (chimæra), encyclopedia (encyclopædia), esthetic (æsthetic), etiology (ætiology), feces (fæces), gynecology (gynæcology), hematology (hæmatology), hemorrhage (hæmorrhage), hemorrhoids (hæmorrhoids), leukemia (leukæmia), medieval (mediæval), orthopedic (orthopædic), pederast (pæderast), pediatric (pædiatric), pedophile (pædophile), paleolithic (palæolithic), paleontology (palæontology), presidium (præsidium), primeval (primæval)
- The œ ligature: diarrhea (diarrhœa), edema (edœma), esophagus (œsophagus), estrogen (œstrogen), fetal (fœtal), fetid (fœtid), fetus (fœtus), gonorrhea (gonorrhœa), homeopath (homœopath), maneuver (manœuvre), pharmacopeia (pharmacopœia)
- The dropped e: judgment (judgement), likable (likeable)
- The inexplicable American double-l: appall (appal), distill (distil), enroll (enrol), enthrall (enthral), fulfill (fulfil), install (instal), instill (instil),
- The inexplicable British double-l: caliper (calliper), calisthenics (callisthenics), filet (fillet)
- Words ending in er/re: accouterments (accoutrements), caliber (calibre), center (centre), liter (litre), meter (metre), theater (theatre)
- Words ending in g/gue: _log (_logue)
- Words ending in ize/ise: _tize (_tise), _izing (_ising), _ized (_ised)
- Words ending in yse/yze: _lyze (_lyse), _yzing (_ysing), _yzed (_ysed)
- Words ending in or/our: _bor (_bour), _dor (_dour), _lor (_lour), _mor (_mour), _vior (_viour)
- The ection/exion suffix: connection (connexion), inflection (inflexion)
- The ense/ence suffix: defense (defence), license (licence), offense (offence)
- The let/lette suffix: epaulet (epaulette), omelet (omelette)
- Suffixed words ending in l: _lated (_llated), _lation (_llation), _led (_lled), _lest (_llest), _ling (_lling), _list (_llist), _lity (_llity), _len (_llen), _lor (_llor), _lous (_llous), _lry (_llery), _ly (_lly)
- Suffixed words ending in e: aging (ageing), binging (bingeing), eying (eyeing), gluing (glueing)
Irregular Spellings